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Maybe you’re ready to find available jobs, or maybe you want to learn more about how to successfully apply to jobs. Either way, you’re in the right place. 

Looking for a job?

See what is available right now by exploring a job board. Job boards will help to give you a sense of who is hiring for both full-time and part-time positions in Vermont.

Vermont Job Link is the Vermont Department of Labor’s place for job seekers in Vermont. You can create a job seeker profile or look at current job listings. This page also allows you to refine your search by sharing some details about yourself, like your education level and desired wage. You can also search by keywords, location, industry, company, or date posted.

Think Vermont has a job board that will allow you to filter your options by what you are looking for like job type, salary, and industry. You can also add a location within Vermont where you are looking to find a job.

VTDigger has a new job board that shares all types of jobs inside and outside of Vermont; located remotely, hybrid, and in-person.

Get help applying for a job

Applying for a job can be intimidating. Below is information and tips that will help make the process feel more manageable. Let’s break down the three standard aspects of applying for a job.

What is it?

A resume is a one-page document that provides an overview of your previous and current education, training, and work experiences. It allows an employer to quickly learn about your skills and accomplishments.

What should I Include?
  • Contact information. Be sure to include your full name, email address, and the town and state where you live at top of your resume. Including your full mailing address with street and street number is optional.
  • Education and training credentials. Any certificates, degrees, apprenticeships, certifications, or licenses you have obtained should be noted on your resume.
  • Relevant work experiences and jobs. For each position, include your title, the job location, the start and end dates, and a brief description of job duties and accomplishments. You do not need to list every job you have held, just those relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Volunteer experiences. Noting anywhere you have volunteered in your community is a way to stand out and can help showcase what matters to you.
  • Job skills. These can be “hard skills” that are specific to your technical knowledge, or they can be “soft skills” that describe your strengths as a person and employee.
  • Fluent languages. Note all languages you are fluent in (not including your first language).
What should I not include?

Personal Details. This includes personal photos, relationship status, age, gender, race, or date of birth.

Helpful tips:
  1. Continue to update your resume as you gain more experience. The hardest part is creating your resume for the first time. After you have a draft of your resume, you are well on your way!
  2. Make sure to proofread your resume for spelling or grammar mistakes. Reading it out loud will help you to quickly notice any errors. Asking a friend or two to read over your resume is also a great way to make sure that there are no mistakes.
  3. Remember to spell out any abbreviations so that the employer can easily understand everything on your resume.
  4. Your resume should be size 12 and in a font that is easy to read like Times New Roman, Garamond, or Helvetica.
What is it?

This one-page letter is sent to the person in charge of hiring for the job that you want. It allows you to talk about how your past experiences and current knowledge make you a great person for the job. The goal is not to repeat what is on your resume because you will send your cover letter and resume in together. The two documents should complement each other.

What should I include?

Contact Information. Include your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address at the top of your cover letter so the employer can easily contact you. Remember, your mailing address can be a local postal office box.

What job you are applying for. Include the name of the position that you are applying for in the first paragraph of your cover letter. This helps the person reading your cover letter know right away what position you want.

What you have to offer. It is important to connect your work and life experience to the requirements of the job you are applying for. Use this part to explain why you think you are a good fit for the job, and what you have to offer the company. Fill in any relevant gaps about yourself that your resume does not cover, like why you are excited about the job.

Recognition and thanks for considering your application. The end of your cover letter is just as important as the beginning. Thanking the employer or company for considering your application is a strong way to end your cover letter. Try something like this: “Thank you for considering me for this [insert job title here] position. I look forward to hearing back.”

What should I not include?

Personal Information. A personal photo, relationship status, age, gender, race, or date of birth do NOT need to be included on your cover letter. An employer does not need to learn about other parts of your personal life either, like your pets or hobbies unrelated to the position.

Salary or wage information. Leave out any details about what you would like to be paid or what you have been paid in the past unless the application specifically asks you to. You will discuss this later on if they offer you the job.

Some helpful tips:
  1. Focus on the credentials and skills you do have, do not mention the ones you don’t have.
  2. Keep your cover letter direct and to the point. The employer wants to learn right away why you would be a great fit.
  3. Make sure that your cover letter is specific to the job you are applying for, as well as the goals and mission of the company.
What is it?

An employer will reach out to you for an interview if they think you could be a good match for the job. The interview may last about 30 minutes to 1 hour. This is a time for you to share more about yourself. Your employer will ask questions based on the skills and experiences you shared in your cover letter and resume. Think of this an opportunity for you to show that you are a great fit for the job and a chance to get to know a potential employer. Sometimes it is easy to forget that you also need to feel comfortable with a boss and work environment.

What should I do?

Research. Spend some time learning about the person who is interviewing you and the company or organization you are applying for. This will help you to go into the interview feeling confident and informed.

Prepare questions of your own. What else would you like to know that you did not learn from doing research? Write down 3-5 questions that would help you learn more about the position, what your role might look like, and what the employer is looking for from their employees.

Bring a copy of your resume. It is helpful to have several copies of your resume and cover letter with you for the interviewer or interview committee. It ensures you are prepared in case those interviewing you do not have your materials and shows that you are prepared and responsible.

Enjoy the experience! Take a deep breath, and be yourself! Even though it’s hard, try to calm your nerves before the interview. Employers respond well when people are relaxed and confident.

What should I not do?

Don’t be late. It is important to be at the interview right on time, or a bit early. Getting to your destination 5-10 minutes early makes a good first impression and will give you time to get to the right place, take a breath, and not feel rushed.

Don’t use your phone during the interview. Make sure that your cellphone is put away and turned off or silent during your interview. You do not want noises from your phone disrupting the interview. If there is a specific reason why you do need to keep your phone on, explain why to the person interviewing you at the very beginning of the interview.

Don’t share too many personal details about yourself. While it is important to make sure the interviewer knows who you are, stick to things related to the work. They do not need to know personal details about your life. For example, you do not need to tell the interviewer your weekend plans or what you had for dinner last night.

Some helpful tips:
  1. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer throughout the interview. This will help to show that you are listening and interested.
  2. Remember to dress appropriately for the interview. A good place to start is to avoid wearing clothes with words or big logos on them. You want to wear something that shows you are professional.
  3. Be yourself, don’t be afraid to show your excitement, be confident, and answer questions honestly. This is an opportunity to show and share why you are a great fit for the job. It is also an opportunity to see if the employer will be a good fit for you, too.

Find help with your job search

It can be helpful to connect with people who understand what you need from a job. The right people can also help make your job application process easier and more successful. This is different for everyone based on who you are what you have experienced in life. 

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