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SKIP TO: What’s Next After Graduation | Jump Start on College or Career | Supports Designed for You

Welcome! This page is all about you, high school, and what comes after. You have so many options in front of you. For sure that can be scary. It’s also exciting, because choosing what you want to do in and after high school can be one of the first big steps you can take that is up. to. you. Your life, your choice. Take your time and scope out your options.

So What’s Next After Graduation?*

We’re going to pitch you on continuing your education and training. Pretty hard. And here’s why: finding an education and training path can open you up to all kinds of opportunities in your career and personal life. If your goal is to chase your dreams, education and training after high school will get you the skills you need to make it happen. If your goal is to buy the latest and greatest gadgets or vehicles, education and training will help you get hired in a high-paying job. Your path will be winding, and you can start out by getting a job and then enrolling in a program. Education and training will always be here when you’re ready for it.

*If you’re not sure you’re going to graduate from high school, check out these options.

Perk #1: Learn more about the things that make you excited. Being able to make a living doing something you love is awesome. Try to find an education or training program that will allow you to learn more about something that feels meaningful to you.

Perk #2: Grow your job skills so that you will qualify for more jobs and make more money once you’re ready to enter the workforce. We all want to have options. Earning a credential is the perfect way to ensure that you will have more options about what job you have and how much money you make.

Perk #3: Push yourself to reach your full potential. Success looks different to everyone. It may sound cheesy, but every type of success requires growth. Find an education or training program that will help you become the person you want to be. You got this.

No Straight Lines

This graphic helps to show how winding your education and career journey may be. From high school and/or a Career & Technical Education (CTE) program you can enter the workforce or choose any of these other education and training pathways. You can enter the workforce and then return to your training. You can get some education and then go to work and then decide you want more. There’s really no right way to do it.

Get A Jump Start on Education or Your Career

You don’t have to wait until you graduate to go after what you want. If you know education is the track for you, get going on some college credits or a professional certification. If you have a career goal in your sights, get after it. Your high school experience can be what you make of it — so make it what you want!

Career and Technical Education

High school juniors and seniors can enroll at your regional career and technical center to enter a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. These programs allow you to earn your high school diploma while learning valuable career skills and sometimes a credential.

Dual Enrollment

Take up to two free college courses during your junior and senior years of high school. These courses count as both high school and college credit.

Early College

Spend your final year in high school as a full-time college student — for free. This means you can earn your high school diploma with a full year of college under your belt. Check out the Vermont Academy of Science and Technology if you’re especially interested in STEM.

Fast Forward

CTE students can put their career on fast forward (see what we did there) by taking free college courses offered through your tech center. This allows you to progress in your career and education at the same time.

Work-Based Learning

Venture outside of the classroom to learn from a community member about their career, industry, or job. Get a better sense of how your schoolwork relates to your education and career opportunities after high school.

Supports Designed for You

You’re not meant to figure all of this out by yourself. There are so many services, resources, and programs in Vermont that are designed to help high school students get what they need to succeed and be happy. Different students need different types of support depending on who you are and what you’re trying to achieve. There are services and supports designed to help connect people in your community who can inspire you, support you, and advocate for you.

  • Students learning with a physical or intellectual disability

    Find the programs and supports that help you find what you need in a classroom or learning environment.

  • Students with families that moved from another country

    Access the services and programs that can help you and your family find home in Vermont.

  • Students who identify as LGBTQIA+

    Find community with other LGBTQIA+ students