Cost For High School Students $0
For Adults $13,253
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
Information Technology at RVTC opens many doors for possible career paths or areas for further study in areas such as computer science and cybersecurity. Students engage in graphic design, web design, programming, and basic information technology literacy. Students build websites and write basic javascript and python programming interacting with microcontrollers. Students take design work straight to production on the 3D printers and laser cutter and fabricate designs.
Students explore hands-on learning in the lab and gain knowledge of computer components and operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Students build a complete computer system through a combination of lab activities and academic classroom study. Students engage in ordering parts, assembling and configuring a computer, installing software, and troubleshooting both hardware and software problems. Students follow best practices in maintenance, and safety and take full responsibility for maintaining computer equipment in the classroom and lab.
This program includes or prepares for the following credential(s): Adobe Certified Professional-Illustrator; CompTia A+ Certification, CIW Site Development Associate.
Cost information is approximate, please visit the program's website for the most up to date information available.
For high school students attending from within the district, there is no cost to this program. Adults with GEDs or without a high school diploma can attend daytime programs at no cost. For students from outside of the district and adults who have a high school diploma, local scholarships and other funding sources may be available. Follow the link and contact the CTE center for more information.
State or Local Grant
Private Grant
Other Grant
State or Local Scholarship
Private Scholarship
Other Scholarship
Veteran Educational Assistance Program
Post 9-11 GI Bill
Vocational Rehabilitation